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COVID-19 Resources

During this time of staying at home, managing feelings, reactions and experiences around Covid-19 is challenging. Our mental health, especially during this pandemic, needs care and support. The following link can help you find a therapist. – If you would like information about finding an Art Therapist near you, the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) has a referral list. You can find it here.  – Sharing appropriate information to our children is stressful. Below you can find some links to sites that can help with finding the words to be able to talk with children about the virus. For Information about talking to children about Covid-19, the following sites can be very helpful- The Child Mind Institute at  – Zero to Three at – Sesame Street at

Welcome to

Art Making

with Caren Sacks

As the lotus flower survives and thrives in dirty murky waters…so can we!

Art making, even for non-artists, can help us relax, slow down, and be present. The use of color, of line and form can express and share our feelings and experiences.

Art making invitations, which are ideas to draw, can spark creativity, free expression and mindfulness. Artistic experience is definitely not necessary, even those who say they can’t draw the proverbial straight line are welcome here. Letting go of preconceived ideas, is so challenging for so many of us, yet so helpful when trying something new.

Each art making video, offers different invitations to draw. They are designed for kids, teens and adults. Some will be using art materials to create playful self-expressions, some will be about feelings and experiences, and some will focus on relaxing and feeling calm.

There is no right or wrong way to make art in response to the invitations to draw. They can offer a needed distraction, attention to a thoughtful idea, as well as feeling present in the moment.

All you need to make art is drawing paper, drawing materials, such as – crayons, markers, oil pastels, colored pencils, or any kind of art materials you like or want to play and experiment with.

Make Art!

Benefits of Art Making


Art making can be calming and relaxing.


Art Making can be a form of self care.


Art making can be a healthy strategy and coping skill for managing and dealing with anxiety and stress.


Art making builds open communication.


Art making allows us to experience a flow state.


Art Making can offer an opportunity for self expression and self awareness.


Art making is enjoyable.

Shared Art Work

I Love my dog, Lily.

Olivia, from NYC

Bunny Line Hop

Ethan, age 6, from Texas.

Ducks going for a walk

What I Like

Emily, age 10, from Texas.

Watching the waves in a line

I love playing with my dog

My mom has blue eyes

I look to nature for light!

Magnolia flowers

Michelle, from NYC

I like horses

Tree Me

Ethan from Texas

Everyone I Love

Emily from Texas

Feeling Grounded

Annette from Florida

Cookie Art, Seeing the Light

Wendy from Illinois

Waves at sunset, my special place

Jared from Texas

My Peaceful Place

Barbara from New York

We painted with you today!

Adina & Isla from NY

Get in touch

I welcome your comments, reactions to the art making, and sharing your artwork.